Computes a Fourier-based tempogram based on onsets of Spotify segments.
Returns a tibble with time
, bpm
, and power
Power is normalised to a max of 1 (Chebyshev norm) within each time point.
window_size = 8,
hop_size = 1,
cyclic = FALSE,
bpms = if (cyclic) 80:160 else 30:600,
window_function = signal::hamming
Spotify audio analysis as returned by
Window size in seconds (default 8).
Hop size in seconds (default 1).
Boolean stating whether the tempogram should be cyclic (default not).
Vector of tempi in beats per minute to include in the tempogram (default 30--200 for non-cyclic and 80--160 for cyclic, inclusive of all integer tempi).
Window function for the Fourier analysis (default Hamming).
get_tidy_audio_analysis("6PJasPKAzNLSOzxeAH33j2") %>%
tempogram(window_size = 4, hop_size = 2)
#> # A tibble: 85,650 × 3
#> time bpm power
#> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 2.00 30 0.0113
#> 2 2.00 31 0.0127
#> 3 2.00 32 0.0145
#> 4 2.00 33 0.0163
#> 5 2.00 34 0.0181
#> 6 2.00 35 0.0197
#> 7 2.00 36 0.0209
#> 8 2.00 37 0.0217
#> 9 2.00 38 0.0221
#> 10 2.00 39 0.0221
#> # … with 85,640 more rows