We use a number of distance measures in Computational Musicology. compmus_long_distance brings them together into one place, along with common alternative names. In order to support plotting, the distances are returned in long format rather than matrix format. It is designed for convenience, not speed.

compmus_long_distance(xdat, ydat, feature, method = "euclidean")

compmus_self_similarity(dat, feature, method = "euclidean")


xdat, ydat, dat

Data frames with start and duration columns.


An (unquoted) column name over which to compute distances.


A character string indicating which distance metric to use (see Details). Default is Euclidean distance.


A tibble with columns xstart, xduration, ystart,

yduration, and d.


The following methods are supported.


Manhattan distance.


Euclidean distance.


Chebyshev distance.


Pearson's pseudo-distance.


Cosine pseudo-distance.


Angular distance.


Aitchison distance.


  • compmus_self_similarity: Self-similarity matrices in long format


tallis <-
  get_tidy_audio_analysis("2J3Mmybwue0jyQ0UVMYurH") %>%
  select(segments) %>%
  unnest(segments) %>%
  mutate(pitches = map(pitches, compmus_normalise, "manhattan"))
chapelle <-
  get_tidy_audio_analysis("4ccw2IcnFt1Jv9LqQCOYDi") %>%
  select(segments) %>%
  unnest(segments) %>%
  mutate(pitches = map(pitches, compmus_normalise, "manhattan"))

compmus_long_distance(tallis, chapelle, pitches, method = "euclidean")
#> # A tibble: 1,166,165 × 5
#>    xstart xduration ystart yduration      d
#>     <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1      0      2.09   0       2.84   0.0734
#>  2      0      2.09   2.84    0.220  0.380 
#>  3      0      2.09   3.06    0.157  0.519 
#>  4      0      2.09   3.22    0.157  0.558 
#>  5      0      2.09   3.37    0.319  0.479 
#>  6      0      2.09   3.69    0.262  0.368 
#>  7      0      2.09   3.95    0.186  0.542 
#>  8      0      2.09   4.14    0.267  0.679 
#>  9      0      2.09   4.41    0.0995 0.614 
#> 10      0      2.09   4.51    0.209  0.620 
#> # … with 1,166,155 more rows

compmus_self_similarity(tallis, pitches, method = "aitchison")
#> # A tibble: 1,357,225 × 5
#>    xstart xduration ystart yduration     d
#>     <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1      0      2.09   0       2.09    0   
#>  2      0      2.09   2.09    0.144   5.34
#>  3      0      2.09   2.24    0.0868  4.74
#>  4      0      2.09   2.32    0.129   5.84
#>  5      0      2.09   2.45    0.202   7.16
#>  6      0      2.09   2.65    0.0875  7.44
#>  7      0      2.09   2.74    0.592   5.04
#>  8      0      2.09   3.33    0.110   6.40
#>  9      0      2.09   3.44    0.290   5.51
#> 10      0      2.09   3.73    0.255   5.96
#> # … with 1,357,215 more rows